History of the Wu Family

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Chinese surname Wu

Wu means : name of a State in ancient China (province of Jiangsu); a Chinese surname.(Ancient time Wu meant big or great in Wu dialect). e.g. Wu is written as "Kou (mouth) sitting on top of Tian (sky)". Surname Wu is about 3100 years old.

Surname Wu was originated in an area called Yan Ling Prefecture during the Qin Dynasty (221BC to 207BC).

Yan means : extend; lengthen; prolong; postponed; defer; delay; put off; invites; employ. Yang means : the sun; bright; clear; masculine; positive.

The present day location of Yan Ling Prefecture is in Wu Jin Xian in Jiangsu province China.

Chronological Table of the Wu Family by generations

Emperor Chou Tai-Wan

1st Son

2nd Son

3rd Son


Wu Tai-Pou
(fostered Zhong-Yong's son)


Chou Ji-Li


Wu Xiou-Jien

Chou Chan


Wu Su-Ta

Chou Fa

(King Chou Wu-Wang)



Wu Chou-Chan

Chou Lu-Zong

(generations follows are not listed)


Wu Xiong-Zu

Wu Woo

(no records available)




Wu Jian-Jiou-Yi


Wu Yu-Chiao-I-Woo


Wu Ke-Lu


Wu Bo-Lu

(no records available)


Wu Chou-Yao


Wu Che-Yu


Wu Yi-Woo


Wu Ching-Chu


Wu Zhuan


Wu Pi-Kao


Wu Ju-Pei


Wu Qu-Chi


Wu Sou-Mon


Wu Zu-Feng

Wu Yu-Ji

Wu I-Wei

Wu Ji-Zhe


Wu Kwan

(also known as Yen Lou)

Wu Ke-You

Wu Liao

Wu I-Yu

Wu Chu-Jong

Wu Zhen-Seng

Wu Zon-Dao


Wu Fu-Zhai

Wu Fu-Kai

(no record available)

Wu Jon


Wu Ti


Wu Yu-Zhen


Wu Pan-Teh

Wu Shuen-Teh

  Wu Ming-Teh (Nov 23, 1918 - Nov 8, 1999)

Wu Zong-Chuen (daughter)


Wu Xiao-Tsen

(7 others)

Wu Liou-zhen (daughter)

Johnny Wu Kai-Tsen

Wu Mei-Ling (daughter)

Chen Zhen-I

Chen Zhen-Chen

1987 - 2001

Nik Palmer

Lazlo Gorog

Dino Lewis

Juan Arroyo

Y Yuen Chan

Alex Chan

(appointed next keeper of the Art)
Larry Horvak

Kevin, Michael and Kelly
(2 sons and 1 daughter)

Tom Trassare
Bob Baskette
Morgan Fox

Table Reference:

1st Generation:
  • Tai-Pou: Oldest son of Chou Tai-Wang, born during the 10th year of Shang Kao-Zhong's ruling during the Shang dynasty, born on April 4th, 1329 BC at Chixi. He left with his 2nd brother Zhong-Yong to retire into Wuximei and established as the Wu Clan and claimed to be Jinman Highlander. Was later being named by Emperor Chou Wu-Wang as the Giving King. Tai-Pou has no son and so his brother Zhong-Yong gave his son as the successor of Wu Clan after Tai-Pou's death. Tai-Pau was burried in Hong Mountain area of 35sq feet area.
  • Zhong Young: 2nd son of Chou Tai-Wang. He was later named by Emperor Chou Wu-Wang as the Kong-Xiao Wang (Loyal King, and also named Wu Chou-Zhang (grandson of Zhong Young) to be the leader of the Wu Clan. Zhong Young was burried in Lu Mountain area.
  • Chou Xiou-Li: 3rd son of Chou Tai-Wang, and the successor. One child Chan.
2nd Generation:
  • Xiou-Jien: Zhong-Young's son, named the successor of Wu Clan by Tai-Pou. Had one child: Su-Ta.
  • Chan: Xiou-Li's only son. Known as Xi-Pou. He was arrested in his late year by the last emperor of Shang Dynasty, Shang Ti-Shin. He was also known as Wen-Wang (The Scholar King). Had one san, Chou Fa, whom later unified China and founded the Chou Dynasty.
3rd Generation:
  • Su-Ta: Son of Xiou-Jien, had 2 sons: Chou-Chan and Lu-Zhong.
  • Chou Fa: the first Emperor of the Chou Dynasty. He was in thrown for 7 years (1111-1105 BC). Known as Chou Wu-Wang. Had 5 sons, the oldest succeded his thrown. Died at 54.
4th Generation:
  • Chou-Chan: Su-Ta's oldest son, was named by Chou Wu-Wang as the succesor King Wu. Had 2 sons: Xiong-Zu and Wu.
  • Lu-Zhong: Su-Ta's youngest son, named by Chou Wu-Wang as the successor of Zhong-Young.
5th Generation:
  • Xiong-Zu: Chou-Chan's oldest son, had one son Ke-Xian
  • Wu: Was named by Emperor Chou Wu-Wang to governor of Hu-Lo City (about 120 sq ft) located at East of An-Yang Mountain.
6th Generation:
  • Ke-Xian: Xiong-Zu's son. Ruled Wu Clan for 3 years, had one son: Jian-Jiou-Yi. Ke-Xian was burried at Yupake Mountain.
7th Generation:
  • Jian-Jiou-Yi: Ke-Xian's son, governed Wu Clan for 51 years, had one child: Yu-Chiao-I-Woo.
8th Generation:
  • Yu-Chiao-I-Woo: Jian-Jiou-Yi's son, governed for 13 years, had 2 sons: Po-Lu and Ke-Lu.
9th Generation:
  • Bo-Lu: Yu-Chiao-I-Woo's oldest son, died in young age.
  • Ke-Lu: the successor of Wu, governed 13 years. Had one child: Chou-Yao.
10th Generation:
  • Chou-Yao: Ke-Lu's son, governed 10 years. Had son: Che-Yu.
11th Generation:
  • Che-Yu: Chou-Yao's son. Governed 18 years. Had son: Yi-Woo.
12th Generation:
  • Yi-Woo: Che-Yu's son, 18 years of ruling. Had one son: Ching-Chu
13th Generation:
  • Ching-Chu: Yi-Woo's son, 8 years of ruling. Had one child: Zhuan.
14th Generation:
  • Zhuan: Ching-Chu's son. Governed Wu for 41 years, had one son: Pi-Kao.
15th Generation:
  • Pi-Kao: Zhuan's son. Governed for 9 years, had one son: Ju-Pei.
16th Generation:
  • Ju-Pei: Pi-Kao's son. Governed for 15 years, had one son: Qu-Chi.
17th Generation:
  • Qu-Chi: Ju-Pei's son. 2nd Year of Emperor Chou Din-Wang (the 21st Emperor of the Chou Dynasty: 2517-2497), Wu Clan becomes a Kingdom after 19 successors (634 years). Qu-Chi had one son: Sou-Mon.
18th Generation:
  • Sou-Mon: Son of Qu-Chi, nicknamed Cheng-Shi. Becomes King of Wu and Wu Kingdom blossom. All generals are named as common wealth kings. Defeated Zhu, Zhao, Xu kingdoms and set capital in Kuling. Governed for 25 years. Had 4 sons: Zu-Feng, Yu-Ji, I-Wei, Ji-Zhe.
19th Generation:
  • Zu-Feng: Sou-Mon's oldest son, nicknamed Keh. 13 years in thrown, tried to name Ji-Zhe as successor but refused, saying "Oldest son should continue the thrown not because of father's favorism but of the tradional custom.... The people of Zhao wants to name their deseased king's son as successor, Zhao's son is a friend of mine and had ask for my help, I'm had already agreed to help him." So, Yu-Ji becomes the successor. Zu-Fend had one son: Kwan (known as Yen-Lu)
  • Yu-Ji: Sou-Mon's 2nd child, nicknamed Zhai. When he died, I-Wei becomes the succesor. Had one child: Ke-You.
  • I-Wei: Sou-Mon's 3rd child, had 3 child: Liao, I-Yu, Chu-Jong. I-Wei died and the people of Wu wanted Ji-Zhe to succeed, but Ji-Zhe escaped so they had to name I-Wei's son Liao as successor. I-Wei was in power for 4 years.
  • Ji-Zhe: Sou-Mon's 4th son, didn't want to be king and left the capital to live in Yenling. Was named as Ambassador for the Wu Kingdom by Wu Yen-Lun (Kwan). Given about 50 LI's of land and was kwown as the Yenling Scholar Ji. During Emperor Chou Jin-Wang's 6th years of power of Chou Dynasty (the 25th King, rulled from 519-467 BC), Ji-Zhe's oldest son died (513 BC) and was burried over Yinpo area. Ji-Zhe died in 506 BC, and was burried in west of Jinling about 60 LIs. Confucius carved Wu Ji-Zhe Scholarman's Grave on the stone. Ji-Zhe had 2 sons: Zhen-Seng, Zon-Dao
20th Generation:
  • Kwan (Yen-Lu): Zu-Feng's son, also known as Emperor Wu Yen-Lu, ruled for 19 years. Had 2 sons: Fu-Zhai and Fu-Kai. In 495 BC, while attacking the Yue Kingdom, he was tricked and injured. Later died and burried at northeast of Suchou's Hai Yon Mountain. 3 days later, it was said a white tiger nesting over the grave and so it was later was renamed to Tiger Rest Mountain. The Thousand Sword Pond is also located there. NOTE: Suchou is currently known as Wu Town.
  • Ke-You: Yu-Ji's son.
  • Liao: I-Wei's older son. Ruled for 13 years was killed by Kwan (Yen-Lu). Burried at south 150 LI, the Lion Mountain in Suchou (the current Wu Town). Had one son: Ching-Ji.
  • I-Yu: I-Wei's 2nd child. He moved to Zhu Kingdom.
  • Chu-Jong: I-Wei's 3rd child, he and his brother I-Yu moved to Zhu Kingdom.
  • Zhen-Seng: Ji-Zhe's oldest, married King Chi's daughter and died in Chi. Had one son Chi-Fan. Burried in Caichiou.
  • Zon-Dao: Ji-Zhe's youngest, moved to Lu Kingdom.
21st Generation:
  • Fu-Zhai: Yen-Lu's oldest, ruled Wu Kingdom for 23 years. Killed by King Yue Kou-Jien (one of the famous story in China "Ten years together, ten years of lesson"). Burried in Yang Mountain located in Kusu. Fu-Zhai's Kwan-Wa-Kong (Baby Palace) is located at Lin-Yen Mountain. Fu-Zhai had 3 sons: Jon, You, Ti. The Kingdom of Wu was finally being destroyed by the Yue under Kou-Jien's throne.
And the story continues....
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